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토론주제 CSR / CSV 본문


토론주제 CSR / CSV

지노쥬 2014. 9. 22. 13:39

Is it corporate's responsibility or virtue to contribute for better-off society? 

If corporate has to contribute to the society, does it have to be in form of CSR? Any alternative ways?

CSV (creating shared value) 

The purpose of CSR?

Why does gov encourage them to do that? 

what is benefit for them? 


Our world, especially internet, is lying on both panoptic and synoptic environment these days. Do you think panoptic setting is necessary to make synopticon possible? 

Is there a way to prevent panopticon in this digitalized way? Is it really a bad thing? Any good about panopticon?

What made this society as panoptic or synoptic? How internet contributed to this?

Can we say Asian democracy, which is derived from Asian value, is true democracy? Limitations of Asian democracy?
